See, not to pat myself on the back, but I knew I could do it! They were just upset that I was away. Last night EVERYONE slept in THEIR OWN BEDS, ALL THROUGH THE NIGHT — STRAIGHT!!!
C-No: a 6.20 wake up, not bad!!
Everyone else, sometime after 7!!!
Yippee! Super mommy that I am. Thank you thank you. As I take a long bow.
I am so overjoyed on this one, it’s unreal.
That was written yesterday. Last night they did just as great. Just… Beckham! He kept on barking and waking me (and the baby at 9 p.m.) up because he saw deer. Me at 2 and again at 5. And I was like, Really? The dog? Really? …
Beckham is now receiving scores too. He gets a 4. As he was potentially just trying to keep us safe, or rather to wake up the baby to play.
Fotis called from Greece this morning very excited about what he’s been working on. In meetings all yesterday and all today. He was at the hotel where we stay when we go with everyone over the summer. He sent a video, though most got cut off less for the end, where he says, “But most of all, I love my Jennie!” Then he makes some bizarre faces and grunts. Not the most romantic, but I suppose it will have to do.
Okay, yes, I was so into being back with the kids, feeling that reconnection and getting them all resettled and back into the rhythm and sync and no anxiety of having me at home. We spent all this wonderful time together. Continuously! Now, with three more days left to their vacation, I am covertly excited for it to just be over. To have that wonderful structure back in our days. To know that during the mornings, all four older ones are at school. The baby the only one to keep entertained. Plus, she loves running errands with me!
Ya. Filling up the last three days. Jump Zone this morning. Take the boys to riding this afternoon. A birthday party this weekend. Maybe dinner out Saturday night. Till we cross that finish line of Sunday night. Eight-thirty p.m. Here I come!
I was at The Little Green Tambourine on Wednesday where the boys had a Kindergarten Enrichment class to book their afternoon, and one mom I know was like, Yes!! Five more days!!! And I, at the time was secretly appalled. Why, aren’t these the most precious years?! They will never come again! Let’s all just melt into the joy that is our young children! Don’t you know?!!
But today I get it. I feel it. It comes and goes. The ebb and flow. The massive, overwhelming need to hold them so tight, to just stare endlessly at their beaming faces, and the need as well to get to your desk, to do your errands, to do the laundry! To eat a pack of peanut M&M’s in very still peace. To chill out at your iPad at the end of the day, no dogs barking, all the children fast asleep. To click and scroll your books. Look, you’re reading Kids Are Worth It! by Barbara Coloroso. Yes, let’s settle in, away from them and from everyone, and read all about how to parent more effectively, how to parent in a way that protects both your and your child’s dignity. Sounds great to me! Pass the Diet Coke. This as well is best.