Missing Child True Crime

Sebastian Rogers | Possible Usernames and Social Media Profiles

The list below uses NAMINT to create possible username variations based on First, Middle, Last name, alongside numbers that would be likely used when generating social media profiles. Once possible login patterns are generated through NAMINT, the usernames are checked against 160+ social media websites via the Blackbird OSINT tool, and if that username is found, it’s compiled on the PDF below.

It’s important to note that following many of the links will produce false-positives, and each link would need to be checked thoroughly to identify if correlated with missing teenager, Sebastian Rogers.

Numbers used in this case were centered around Sebastian’s year of birth (2008). We will run other numeric variations in the future. If there are known username or nicknames that Sebastian Rogers used, especially those used for video games, you can drop them in the comments below.

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